- Die Seel des Weiben Baren. (The soul of the white Bears) GEO. Hoffman and Campe, 1998 Hamburg, Germany
- ISBN 3-455-11256-0 Journals written By Dean Bernal on JoJo studies, and respectfully by Jane Goodall, Tim Cahill, Herman Sulberg, etc…
- Images Doc. Feb 1993 N50 THE SECRETS OF THE DOLPHINS pgs 1-11 JOJO, ISSN 0995-1121, 1993 Junne: French Canadian, Spanish publications, Bayard Presse BP1 99505 Paris, France
- Riding with the Dolphins, Equinox Guide to Dolphins and porpois. by Eric Hoyt 1992 ISBN 57-7 pbk ,Camden House Publishing, pg 7, photo of JOJO by Doug Perrine.
- La Medecine Des Dauphins 1995 Les Editions de Homme by Amanda Cochrin., Published Belgum, France, Montreal, Geneve. JOJO and Dean relationship.
- Dolphins, by Chris Catton. Publishe from the PBS Special on Dolphins. St Martim Press, NY. 1995, ISBN 0-31213241-7 pg 18 JOJO photo by Perrine and pg 99 Dean and JOJO photo.
- Bottlenose Dolphins by Paus Thomas and Ben Wilson, Voyager Press 1994., ISBN 89658-236-1., Pg 10 JOJO Photo and Pg 69 JOJO.
- Reisen Mit Der Kamera Germany by Michael Friedel. ISBN 3929489-08-2DM. 1993 Tausend, MM 83623 Steingau, Centerfold of Dean and JoJo for Friedel Archives.
- Book: Into The Blue by Virginia Mckenna. Chapter on JoJo and Dean relationship and wild dolphins. People and Dolphins chapter on page 102. The Aquarian Press 1992, An inprint of Harper Collins Publishers, 77-85 Fulham Palace Rd.Hammersmith London. W68JB.: ISBN 1 85538 2547.
- Book: Journey Into Dolphin Dream Time By Horace Dobbs 1992ISBN 0-224-03092-2. Johnathan Cape Publishing, London England. Chapter 14, In Touch with JoJo. Incl. Photos of JoJo with Dean.
- Book, Dolphins and Their Power to Heal , 1992. By: Amanda Cochrane and Karena Callen. Bloomsbury Publishers. Chapter on JoJo and Dean, well documented. (Pg 110)
- Book: Endangered Species, Dolphins and Whales, by Stephen Savage, Published by Cartwell Books. @1990, 110 Enterprise Ave Secaucus, New Jersey 07094. (features many photos of JoJo, photographer Doug Perrine)
- Book: Island Expedition: Learning from the People and the Environment, PG. 46 By: Popov.
- Book: Follow a Wild Dolphin by: Horrace Dobbs reprinted 1991 International Dolphin Watch, Northferriby, Humberside HU14 3ET, U.K. Chapter 20, Marriage of Minds JoJo and Dean pg 251.
- Book: Japanese book Wild Dolphins by Yurika Nozaki. Dolphin swims/Dean Bernal/dolphins in Bahamas. ISBN Japan 1994
- Dolphin Children’s Book, Life story of Sue Houghton. Illustrated by Martin Camm. Published by Troll Associates 1994. Eagle Books USA. ISBN 0-8167-2767-8 (lib bdg.) ISBN 0-8167-2768-6 (pbk) Cover photo of JoJo the dolphin by Horace Dobbs.
- Story of A Dolphin. By Katherine Orr. Childrens Book based on Deans JoJo Logs and the story of JoJo.ISBN 0 876614-777-5 PZ7.0743 ST 1993.
- Club Med Diving by Michael Verdue, photographer and writer. pg 24 JoJo information w/ cm divers and photo. Aqua Quest Publications, PO Box A Locust Valley, NY
- Offshore Solutions Investment Guide for Turks and Caicos Islands by Bill Stirling, JoJo notes on pg 44.
- Giants of the Sea, France. Baleins, Opques, E Dauphins, 1994 Sept. Library Grund, ISBN 2-7000-5455, JoJo pages 106 feeding full page, 110, 111 full page.
- Le Monde Des Dauphins w Robert Laffont, France, Jacques Yves Cousteau and Yves Paccalet. Oct. 1995 ISBN 2-221-07775-x JoJo full page 11, 12, 150 JoJo and Cousteau Diver 139 and 102 full pages JoJo.
- Dauphins en Liberte France: by Gerard Soury, Dean and JoJo Story pg 210–223 w full page photos, Nathan Presse Fr. 1996 ISBN 2-09-260532-1 N’editer 10034200-(I)-(7) CSBG 150 Sept 1996 Pollina S.A. 85400 Lucon N’ 70574.
- Le Livre Des Dauphins Et Des Baleins Brigitte Sifaouo, Presente Hugo Verlomme, 1000 items of info on dolphin projects and dolphins, JoJo Project listed. ISBN 2-226-08623-4, Published By Albin Michel, Pollina, 85400 Lucon n’69651 edition 15409 May 1996.
- JoJo the Dolphin Message From the Sea. Japanese book on JoJo and Dean Bernal From Masato Sakano’s documenting of Dean and JoJo’s life.1995. ISBN 4-575 28492-0c0095. An inspiration to Japanese to respect Marine Life. Photos by Kiniko Sakuri.
- Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals by Neville Coleman 1991. ISBN 0-7137- 2289-4. Published by Villers House 41/47 Strand, London, England WC2 N5JE,. DOLPHIN SECTION ON JoJo pgs 295 298 and 299.
- Caribbean Vacation Planner. 1994-1995. Notes on JoJo in the Turks and Caicos. Caribbean Coalition for Tourism.