Seminars and Lecture Presentations
- Beaches Resort 1998 1999. Turks and Caicos Islands. BWI
- Adrian Michigan, School presentation series: October 1998 Host Sally Timko, Principal
- Club Med Presentations. 1988-1998, JoJo a Wild Dolphin Educational Presentation and slide show on JoJo, wildlife and National Parks, by Dean Bernal.
- ICERC International Dolphin and Whale Conference, 1990. Nambucca, Australia. JoJo a Wild Dolphin by Dean Bernal JoJo Project and protection of cetaceans.
- Various Local and overseas, Grammar and High school presentations 1988 to present. JoJo, and the protection of the Marine environment
- Various local hotel and resort presentations. 1988-present. JoJo the dolphin and the protection of the Marine Environment By Dean Bernal.
- International Travel Bureau Conference. 1992, March. Berlin Germany, JoJo, a Wild Dolphin By Dean Bernal. JoJo a social but wild dolphin as a case study on how tourism effects the single inhabitant and the whole of the marine environment. The Turks and Caicos setting the president to protect them both.
- Tokyo, Japan. Consultant for Circlet Company, Nov. 11th,1992. By Dean Bernal. Protection of Cetaceans for Business Executives. contact: Keishin Odani. Tokyo, Japan.
- Japanese International School Nov. 12th 1992. Dean Bernal on protection of dolphins, whales and JoJo.
- Tokyo, Japan. Nov 13th 1993. Presentation and forum by Dean Bernal and Mr. Fujiwara, President of the Elsa Nature Conservancy. Televised.
- Tokyo, Japan. Nov. 14th. Presentation and Forum on JoJo and ITB/ captivity. Presented with Mr. Marcus Symmons. Pannelist for Cetacean education.
- Dolphin and Whale conservation Seminar. Milan, Italy. Wed. March 24th 1993. Dean Bernal presenting at the International School of Milan. 3hr Presentation on Captivity ITB and wild dolphins. Opening of anti Captivity campaign in Italy.
- London, England. April 21, 1993. London Geographic Society Conference Center. Man and Dolphin Presenting in conjunction with Robert Palmer, David Saunders and introduced by Virginna McKenna. JoJo and wild cetacea protection.
- Port Isaac, UK. The Green Door Club. RNLI. April 23, 1993.Dean Bernal, Bellerive Dolphin Project and Rod Penrose DYFED wildlife Trust,) Dolphin and habitat protection.
- Fowey S. Cornwall. April 25 1993. RNLI and BSAC divers. Dean Bernal and Rod Penrose on dolphin and habitat protection.
- Theater Mwldan, Cardigan Bay, UK. Mon. April 26, 1993. Dean Bernal and David Saunders speaking on Marine habitat protection.
- Pine Grove School, for the district of Halton, Canada public education. for Madame Michelle Dion (French Immersion) June 3, 1993.
- Presentation: JoJo and the protection of marine habitats presented by Mr. Dean Bernal
- Leeward International School, by Dean Bernal on JoJo and turtle protection and ITB. October 19, 1993, Turks and Caicos Islands. Ref: Elphi Brown-headmistress
- Bahamas D.L. communication for Yurika Nozaki expedition on Bottom Time II on October 9-15 1992-1996. Seminars by Dean Bernal. D.L. Communications, Yurika Nozaki
- Italy Eudi conference and exhibition. Verona, Italy October 22-25, 1993. Reef marine, JoJo Project and ITB. For Bellerive Foundation.
- Antibes France, Film conference. Joe Phillips/Masato Sakano 1993 Film of Dean and JoJo at Antibes film festival. Presented in place of Dolphi October 1993
- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Pine Crest private school. January 4-5 for 1994 marine scence classes. Habitat Preservation and Threatened Inhabitants JoJo case study. Contact Susan Gelwick
- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Primary school, January 4, 1994. Species preservation and understanding wild animals JoJo case study. Contact Susan Gelwick
- Boys and Girls Club Clifton, NJ. August 10, 1994. Dean Bernal and Skip Herrschaft speak about the natural history and preservation of JoJo the dolphin. Article in Clifton paper and photo of presentation. Skip Herrschaft.
- Nagoya, Japan Nagoya Aquarium/ July 6, 1994. Presentation to staff and curator on wild dolphins and ITB (rehabilitation). Mr. Isono, Director coordinator Marina Fujiora and Mikako (Dean Bernal)
- Nagoya Japan radio talk show, July 8, 1994. Dolphin preservation and Ogasawara Habitat/Dolphins. Dean Bernal, speaker w/ Capt. George , radio host.
- Kyoto, Japan, July 9, 1994. Dolphin Healing Center (dolphin video presentation on uniqueness of dolphins/need to protect by Dean Bernal)
- Osaka, Japan, July 10, 1994. Seminar presentation to group leaders on dolphin preservation/habitat preservation. Coordinator, Marina Fujiora. Speaker, Dean Bernal.
- Yokhama, Japan, July 11, 1994. Dean Bernal and Mikako Kotani (Japanese Olympic swimmer) speak about dolphins and environment/Ogasawara
- Tokyo, Japan, July 15, 1994 Dean Bernal speaks about dolphin marine environment and protection to Idemitsu Oil Co.
- Club Med Seminars for 1994 season, JoJo slide show at Club Med Turkoise. Chief de village is Jean Pierre Grand. David Adams, designer. Dean Bernal, presenter.
- Turks and Caicos Tourist Board Seminar JoJo the dolphin , symbol of wildlife protection. October 7, 1994 by Dean Bernal for Stanley Astwood and Jude Bernard. Tourist Board press trip.
- Ramada Resort, Turks and Caicos, for Anesthesiologist conference, October 1994. JoJo Unique wildlife and dolphin physiology w/anesthesia, by Dean Bernal.
- Paris, France, November 6, 7, 8, 1994. Sponsored by Europe Conservation, Fr. By Dean Bernal From obedience to friendship with Rick Obarry. Coordinator Anne Pichon Jean Phillips Beau Douezy Francoise Hannequin 47 90 40 40
- Joyner Elementary School: extended day program. November 18, 1994. C/O Rhonda Wilson, Raleigh N.C. Lecture on dolphins and habitat preservation to 200 students in Ecology of the Sea: under the sea course 10 weeks. By Dean Bernal, N.C., USA.
- AATCA Ecology Club, November 15, 1994. By Dean Bernal. Habitat preservation in marine environments by Dean Bernal. 200 children in international school of Paris, France. Information: Miss Burchill, 70 Rue de Theatre, 75015, Paris France
- Orlando Ocean Expo, W/ Jean Michele Cousteau. October 94 Dean Bernal on JoJo and the Preservation of Unique Resources.
- March 22 1995, Stranding Seminar on the rescue of marine mammals by Dean Bernal and Paul Jepson VDM London Zoological Society. Turkoise Reef Hotel. How to rescue and aid injured or beached dolphins in the Turks and Caicos.
- Sonora Bay Mexico June 3-17th 1995/ 1996 Marine Life Ecology Seminars. Dean Bernal Key Note Speaker. Lisa Henson Coordinator.
- Clemment Howell High School. May 2 1995. Career Day. Turks and Caicos Islands BWI,. Conservation careers and opportunities for young islanders. Mr. Bennett Williams coordinator for Dean Bernal Lectures.
- October 96, UK, 1 month tour of UK for schools, universities, seminars, clubs and Birmingham Dive Show 1996. Whale rescue and wildlife preservation world wide Dean Bernal speaker. Ref: Robert Bulgin.
- March 1997 London Dive Show UK, Dean Bernal Key note lecturer on wildlife preservation/JoJo. Ref Robert Bulgin.